Sunday 30 March 2008

Akanaksha makes it to MDS

Do visit the Akanksha page on Darbaroud website, organisers of Marathon Des Sables (MDS). Visit the link below

Wednesday 19 March 2008

My third time at Sahara (Marathon Des Sables)

Sand in your shoes, wind in your face, the horizon
undefinably far away... Some like it hot
and are not sent to the desert, but
Go on their own free will, with fondness...

It's that wonderful time again. Time for the Sahara...

Yes, believe it or not, I'm about to venture out again into the unknowns of the great Sahara Desert, to participate for the third time in the "Marathon des Sables" in Morocco, considered the toughest footrace on earth. I'll be in the company of some very very good extreme athletes from all over the world, thus it was a very big honor for me to receive a start number for this event - by September 2007, over 12,000 runners from all over the world had applied for start numbers. 850 were given.

After participating in the Mumbai Marathon in India in January and completing the Jungle Marathon in Costa Rica, I look forward to a week of extreme heat, wind and sandstorms . It'll be 6 tough stages of altogether approx. 250 kilometers - as the crow flies - through the Sahara. It is, to say the least, always more than worth it, an experience of a lifetime. Every television station around the world has access to this event , so it will be viewed everywhere! Of course , I'll be taking hundreds of pictures as well.

After a winter of hard training, I'm fit and ready to take on this infathomable challenge. I will undoubtedly experience - as I did last year - moments, though, where I wasn't sure I could continue - but somehow I fought with myself and did indeed make it through the finish after 7 very, very exhausting days.

And I'd love it if you helped me through these moments. How? With the mental part... Last year I received quite a few emails and it really helps motivate tired souls to pull through!

It would be wonderful to receive e-mails from you per satellite into the heart of the desert, cheering me on. You can do this by going to a special window on the front of the homepage of the Marathon des Sables:

My Startnumber this year is 368 (Brigid Wefelnberg, Germany) , so if you get a chance, cheer me on during the race per e-mail. The e-mails are printed once a day in an IT tent they set up at every day's finish and are passed out to us in our tents in the evening - in the middle of the desert! You can of course follow the race on the website - they update the list of those who are still in the race every day.

Please cross your fingers for me that I cross the finish line safe!

Looking forward to hearing from as many of you as possible.